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Insurance Blog

How to Ensure Your Home is Prepared to Weather Any Storm

How to Ensure Your Home is Prepared to Weather Any Storm

Although summer means warmer temperatures, it can also bring thunderstorms, with hail, rain, lightning, and strong winds. The following are some tips on preparing your home for harsh weather conditions and summer storms. Clear Your Gutters and Check Your Roof The exterior of your home is its first defense against interior damage. Clear and clean your gutters to direct water away from your home and...

The Benefits of Umbrella Insurance

The Benefits of Umbrella Insurance

Accidents can happen to anyone, often leading to extensive financial losses. Umbrella insurance is a type of personal liability coverage that covers injury to others or damage to their possessions. It covers other family or household members as well as policyholders. It is a low-cost way to obtain significant additional liability coverage. Umbrella insurance provides the following benefits. Broader Coverage Umbrella personal liability insurance can...

Should I Purchase Flood Insurance If I’m Not in a Flood Zone?

Should I Purchase Flood Insurance If I’m Not in a Flood Zone?

Flood insurance covers direct physical loss to your home structure and belongings caused by flooding. If the area where you live is not in a flood zone, you may think you are safe from flooding. The fact is that flooding is the most common natural disaster in the country. Many flood-related insurance claims come from areas with a low to moderate flood risk. What Does...

Catalytic converter theft

Catalytic converter theft

Catalytic converter theft: Your questions answered Catalytic converters are some of the most expensive car parts due to the precious metals inside them. Unfortunately, the valuable metals that make catalytic converts work also make them tempting to thieves—especially when they find vehicles whose owners haven't done anything to protect them. According to the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ), 21 people were charged or arrested in...

Home Insurance for Rental Properties: What You Need to Know

Home Insurance for Rental Properties: What You Need to Know

Many people who own homes today rent them out to others. If you are renting out your home, whether on a short-term or a long-term basis, it is essential to understand that your homeowners insurance may not cover losses incurred while the property is being rented. The following is information about insurance coverage for renting out a residence in different scenarios. Short-Term Rentals of a...